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We Are Screwed

I'm not going to pull any punches today. I have tried to be as diplomatic as possible in regards to many issues, but today, frankly I am livid. I am sick, I am terrified and I am devastated. Yesterday, the House of Representatives, boldly ignored the will of the people of this nation and "courageously" passed health care "reform". They proudly lit a slow-burning fuse that will be the end of this country as you know it. The repercussions of this legislation will destroy our medical system, our economy and our freedom. It will not be immediate but it will happen. Do you think I'm over-reacting? Wait and see. It is inevitable. There is still a slim chance that the courts will overturn this abomination. There is a chance that the legislation could be repealed, but I have very little hope or confidence in the ability of politicians to do what must be done.

If this is such a great bill for the citizens of the United States, then why did the Democrats have to lie, bribe, meet in private, hide, scheme, plot and strong-arm the members of the House to get it passed? The sickening methods used to get this passed should be enough to demonstrate the quality of the legislation to everyone in this country. The level of arrogance consuming the current administration and its lackeys should make everyone one of us fear for ourselves and our future.

To borrow Chairman Obama's favorite phrase, "let me be clear" about who bears responsibility for this debacle. Every fool or dupe who has voted for a Democrat in the last ten years has brought this on us. Every voter too lazy to go and place a vote and thereby allow this to happen is responsible. The Republicans are so far from perfect that I can barely stomach most of them, but not a single Republican in the House or Senate voted for this bill. There is nothing moderate or middle of the road about this legislation. This is pure extreme liberalism, which means socialism. The next step is communism. So kindly remember the next time you go to vote that this is Democrat legislation. From top to bottom, from start to finish, the Democrats own this. When November 2010 and 2012 comes, it should be hung around their necks and they should be sumarily tossed overboard. That is the only hope we have of fixing this. And any Republican that goes squishy and says, "Well, we can fix this bill or amend a few things", is not serious and should not be elected. The only prayer we have is to repeal it and start over. Do we need health care reform? Yes. This, ladies and gentlemen, ain't it.


  1. Camie took the word(s) right out of my mouth. Unfortunately, by the time it's a disaster and we're all saying "I told you so", it'll be too late.


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