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Moral Rot

IF we had a gigantic need for bathrooms that would accomodate transgenders in public, THEN the solution would be quite easy. Public places could simply provide a "Whatever" bathroom, with a door, to be used by one person at a time. Those who are not confused about their gender could then use the more public facilities--males only or females only. However, since this issue has little or nothing to do with an actual need, we delve deeper. This red herring is a solution looking for a problem. The same bunch of leftist attack dogs, having achieved the destruction of marriage as we know it, have moved on to this next false battle.

We are spiraling ever further into the abyss of moral degradation that started in the 1960's. Each new wave is coming faster and more furious than the last leaving most of staring in disbelief in the world that we now occupy. With the pummeling that most of us have taken in the name of political correctness, few of us have the stomach to stand up anymore for that which we know to be right. And yes, there is still right and wrong in the world; our refusal to acknowledge that as a society changes nothing.

I do not hate other people for their choices. I do not care what other people do in their bedroom. I do not care how people choose to dress. But when it starts to affect me, my children and other innocent people, it will stand up and say, "Enough!" For that which I am about to say, I will be labeled a "hater". But I am not afraid to state the truth. Hate me if you wish; I care not. Your protestations do not change the truth.

Truth #1: The real purpose of this attack on bathroom policies that have served society well for time in memoriam is the continued tearing down of anything that resembles a moral stance. This has nothing to do with concern for transgenders. Any opportunity these activists can exploit to destroy the accepted fabric of society, they will seize. Their deep and abiding discomfort springing from their amoral dogmas can never be assuaged. So rather than accepting that they are wrong (or even accepting that there are other equally valuable ideas) and fixing their behavior, they tear down and destroy the restrictions. Tragically it never ends with them. Until they have destroyed every law, societal norm, standard of behavior and restriction they will not stop. When they have arrived at their destination, they will find that they are just as miserable then as they are today. Their hatred will not be dimmed, their anger unabated.

Truth #2: Transgenders need help. Permissiveness disguised as love is simply enabling. If you knew someone who was suicidal, it would be unthinkable to offer your support for their efforts. Someone who is drowning doesn't need your moral support, they need to be saved! Almost without exception, those who are gender confused have something traumatic in their past leading to their current problem. It is neither kind nor loving to be supportive when what they actually need is help. They need someone to love them enough to tell them the truth. (Mocking, vilifying, persecuting and mistreating others is never okay--never. Everyone deserves to be accepted and loved; not every behavior does.)

Truth #3: Hypocrisy and lies never give them pause. This bunch who parades around on the holier-than-thou pseudo high ground of Anything Goes, worships at the throne of open-mindedness and liberal thinking. Astoundingly, their definition of sexual roles is so narrow and restrictive as to allow for no individuality. If a girl likes sports then she must really be a boy. If a boy is interested in women's clothing then he must really be a girl. Maybe she will just grow up to like football and he may be a fashion designer. It is they who are perpetuating the myths of rigid gender roles. Our individual interests define who we are not our gender. Our gender is determined by our DNA and defines us only insofar as the scientific limitations of our sex. I was a huge tomboy growing up. Sandwiched between two brothers, I only wanted to play sports, roughhouse or pretend we were fighting some life-threatening enemy (Klingons, Stormtroopers, Soviet spies, etc.) I hated dolls, dresses and pink. I never questioned that I was a girl. Even though I sometimes wished I were a boy, I always knew I wanted to grow up and be a mother. The only way I would have been confused is if some confused, over-thinking, pseudo-intellectual adult had planted an idea in my head that I would never have had on my own. There is no question as to my femaleness or what my gender is. To this day I would rather watch football than shop. That doesn't make me a man, that makes me, me.

Truth #4: Evil exists in the world. Our exponentially increasing moral depravity is creating a larger and larger pool of scumbags. The real problem that has already manifested itself and will continue to grow is manifest by the perverts of the world who will exploit this new-found bathroom policy to harm the weak and unsuspecting. Cases are being reported all over the country of morally depraved people "identifying" as a certain sex to get close to innocent children and women in bathrooms, locker rooms and dressing rooms. To my knowledge, none of them are transgenders, they are simply evil people taking advantage of our extreme stupidity.

Truth #5: This foolishness is not protected by the Constitution. One of the greatest accomplishments of our Constitutional government is to protect the individual rights of every citizen. The rights of the minority and the majority are all protected. Typically, my rights end where yours begin. My rights do not trump yours, nor yours mine. When there is a simple and equitable solution (see above) to this bathroom issue, there is no need for anyone's rights to be trampled. There is simply no excuse to put anyone's individual right to privacy at risk in order to advance a false agenda. Obama's typical executive over-reach and galling lack of concern for consequences is only overshadowed by his narcissistic need to advance his "legacy" and "fundamentally transform America". As a result, the instantaneous use of his phone and pen to punish schools who refuse to cow to his immoral, incoherent and unjustified mandate to our nation's educators. It is most infuriating that many administrators and educators in our nation, instead of pushing back, are more interested in political correctness than protecting the children they profess to care so deeply for.

Truth #6: The dam has been breached and if we do not stop the flow now,  there will be no dam left. This fraudulent campaign for transgender rights will end in moral chaos. How long do you think they will wait to campaign for the legalization of pedofilia? How long until bestiality is okay? How long until murder is justified? Oh wait, it already is. How many millions of babies do we kill annually? The acceptance of medically assisted suicide increases every year. When every action is acceptable, there is no right or wrong and anarchy awaits our nation. Our Constitutional form of government was intended only to be perpetuated by a moral people; it cannot be otherwise. There are not enough police officers to enforce law and order--our societal order exists almost exclusively because each of us as individuals agree to abide by those laws each day. As we deliberately strip any moral code from our society, we hasten and guarantee our own destruction. What will you do to fight this? There are more that be with us, than those that be with them. If we join together, without fear, this can be defeated. The question is, will we?

It is the saddest of ironies that all of this is done under the counterfeited banner of Freedom. True freedom only exists where there is complete accountability. Living a life of hedonistic debauchery is not freedom; it is slavery. American society has long since lost our freedom as we now look to the government to care for our every need so we can deepen our enslavements to sex, addiction, fame, pleasure, idleness and idolatry. The consequences will be inevitable and agonizing--who will we blame then?


  1. While I haven't heard of this affecting the schools my kids attend, I know it has affected at least one school in the next town over. A transgender boy think he should be able to use the girls locker room to dress. Your truth #4 is the first thing I thought of when I heard of the situation. It's sickening and I agree, our voices need to be heard.

    1. This has terrifying prospects. I'm sick with worry over where we're headed. Thanks for reading. It's so good to know that people like you are out there!! Love you guys!


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