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Please Consider This

If you read my column/blog regularly, you know how I feel about Donald Trump. I haven't changed my mind but I have decided afters months of agonizing mental debates that I am going to vote for him. I vote knowing that he is not the moral leader I would like to assume the reigns of the Presidency. I vote hoping that his moral compass is only bent and not broken. I vote, praying that his redeeming qualities (which admittedly are few) will become his greatest features and strengths should he become President. I do NOT vote out of any loyalty to the Republican Party that has betrayed you and me time and time and time again. I will vote for Trump for three main reasons:

First, Obamacare and therefore healthcare are about to collapse. (Gee, if only SOMEONE had warned us!) The Democrat goal all along has been to get us to fully socialized medicine. When Obamacare fails, and it is only months away, President Hillary will not hesitate for one second to move us to socialized medicine. If that happens, you can kiss the greatest bastion of quality healthcare goodbye. American medicine, though not perfect, but far and away superior to anything else in the world will be history. It is happening already. They system had been limping along with the insulting reimbursement rates of Medicare/Medicaid (approx. $.32 on the dollar), while the insurance industry propped it up with its reimbursement rates of about $.65 on the dollar. Now, under Obamacare, Medicare/Medicaid is reimbursing at about 16 cents on the dollar and insurance companies have followed them to the penny. In spite of our emotions in regards to healthcare, it is in the end a business system that must turn a profit in order to keep its doors open. I defy any other business to try and stay open while getting paid 16 cents on the dollar for their goods or services. Furthermore, the Affordable (excuse me while I guffaw here) Care Act rates are skyrocketing, as predicted, right at the end of the Obama adminstration. Rates have risen for everyone since the advent of Obamacare, but those rates for ACA subscribers will go up next year anywhere from 25-150%. Everything the Democrats told us about Obamacare was a lie and political pandering. The only way it can get worse is if we get another term of a Democrat as president. Trump will work to repeal and replace it with a market-based solution. That is the ONLY way healthcare as we know it will survive.

Second, the media has played us (conservatives and some Republicans) for fools yet again. Every election cycle I can remember since Reagan, they have chosen our nominee only to turn their full attack force on said nominee once the Republican nomination is secured. Bush I, Dole, Bush II, McCain, Trump were all hand-picked by the press. They tell us no-one else can be elected, the Republicans must choose a moderate, the Religious Right must go, etc, etc. I for one, have absolutely HAD IT with the stupidity of the Republican Party and to some extent the voters. How much longer are we going to allow this to happen? It is time that we either stand for our principles without fear or apology or we give up and just hand the Presidency to the Democrats for all time to come. The media does not ever want to see another Republican president, particurly not a conservative one, and will do everything within their power to subvert, undercut, sabotage, besmirch and destroy anyone who dares to challenge liberal power structures. We must not allow them to choose our nominee ever again. Can anyone of you, in light of the recent revelations about Hilllary Clinton, honestly tell me that Cruz, Rubio, Walker, Fiorina, Jindal, Perry, Huckabee, etc. would not have been vastly superior to Trump? Can you imagine any of these people on that debate stage with Hillary, having even a modicum of moral high ground to stand on and nail her to the wall for her sins? Yet because Jesus isn't running, we pick each other to pieces in our quadrennial circular firing squad leaving the media's nominee as our only choice. When are we going to learn?!

Finally, and most importantly I cannot and will not be complicit in rewarding Hillary Clinton with the Presidency of the United States. If you have the courage and intellectual integrity to look, you will find the most corrupt, ruthless and evil politician of my lifetime. Her naked thirst for power at any cost is terrifying; granting her more through the Presidency is unthinkable. The evidence that the complicit media completely ignores, buries and obfuscates, overwhelmingly demonstrates that she will stop at NOTHING to win this election. Buying votes, illegal immigrant votes, dead people votes, bribing the press, sabotaging Trump rallies, paying for smear campaigns, funding union thugs, colluding with the White House, the Justice Dept. and the FBI, in summary, breaking nearly every election law, campaign law and government secrecy law only begins to scratch the surface of her vast universe of sins. Perhaps even more galling is watching the Democrat party hacks, along with the complicit press, pretending to suffer moral outrage over the sins of Donald Trump. The party who told us that sex in the White House was personal and private and no big deal is upset over Trump's foul mouth?! The party that has given us Obamacare, waves of illegal immigrants, late term abortions (aka: legally murdering viable children), the welfare state, the destruction of the traditional family and marriage, free love, free sex, free birth control, filthy movies, filthy music, racial division, racial exploitation and political corruption top to bottom pretends to summon moral outrage at Donald Trump?! For them to try and plant their flag of moral superiority in the swampy morass that is the quicksand of Democrat Party principles is the height of hypocrisy and the stinking depths of villainy.

I cannot in any small way allow that to happen. I will vote for Donald Trump and I will hope and pray that the conservatives in this country will learn from their mistakes and monitor Trump closely. His power is naturally limited by the Constitution and he must work with the Congress. We had better make sure either way that we send the best people we can find to Congress in this election because they will have to monitor and keep in check whichever one becomes President. I cannot condemn those of you who refuse to vote for Trump on principle; that has been my very struggle ever since he became the nominee. But please consider that by any measure, Hillary Clinton as far worse. We must do better in the future...much, much better.


  1. Lori, I appreciate this post. I've just come to the same conclusion as you have this past week. My dad, who just retired from serving in the Idaho House of Representatives just wrote an article on this same subject for the Idaho State Journal. I have it in a google doc I will email you. I think you'll like it. Hope all is well you and your family!!

    1. Thanks Marie! I appreciate you reading and your thoughts. I'll read your dad's article. Thanks for sharing! We are great and it's wonderful to hear from you!


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