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A Clear Choice

Every election season we hear, "This is the most important election in our lifetime." In truth, elections are always important, indeed they are vital to the health of our Republic. However, this election, in my mind, actually does meet that standard. Let's clear up right away that there are no perfect politicians on either side of the aisle. Expecting that would sort of be like hoping for a skunk that doesn't stink. Not realistic. However, there is a very clear choice for our future in this election.

The Democrat Party, who used to proudly claim to represent the middle class, blue-collar, hard-working folks who make American "go" every day have cast them aside in favor of the rich elites in New York and L.A. and the "oppressed" minorities in the USA, be they women, blacks, Latinos, transgenders, homosexuals, etc. White people in American are told every day how much they suck and that they and their goals, work and aspirations are worthless. Democrats, while embracing atheism and earth-worship, have cast aside God-fearing patriots and mocked them as deluded simpletons. They prostrate themselves at the checkbooks of the uber-rich on the coasts while belittling those who love NFL football and are offended by the spoiled prima donnas who refuse to honor our National Anthem. While shamelessly pandering to illegal immigrants who break our laws, kill our citizens, steal our wealth and exploit our generosity they ignore the gross consequences of their failed governance in majority Democrat locales such as Detroit, Chicago, Washington DC, Cleveland, Pittsburgh and the rust belt at large. To add insult to injury they turn a blind eye to left-wing mobs such as Antifa and Black Lives Matter, who destroy communities, physically and emotionally, as they seek to gain power through anarchy. The party who professes to protect women, conveniently ignores their filthy history starting with JFK, Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton and includes the more modern group of Hollywood, political and mainstream media elites such as Harvey Weinstein, Charlie Rose, Bob Menendez, Jeffrey Epstein, Les Moonves, etc., etc., etc. (Yes, there have been a few Republicans, but the Democrats have a big corner on that market.) The blatant exploitation of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and other women to forward a claim known to be false in a desperate attempt to control a Supreme Court seat not theirs to control, was a sick slap in the face to all women, but especially to those who have been sexually assaulted. George Soros-paid prostesters runnning about the Capitol making fools of themselves and pinning their antics on Democrat voters by association; political grand-standing by the Democrat Senators on the Judiciary Committee; terror at the thought of having to pass laws through the Constitutional process rather than having the courts packed with Liberal justices legislating from the bench; calculated lies leaked to the media by life-long bureaucrats determined to undermine the elected officials they disagree with; using the FBI and Justice Department as political hammers to destroy the lives of political opponents--these are the hallmarks of the modern Democrat Party. A vicious, un-paralleled and un-principled attack on Brett Kavanaugh, who sat on the bench of the second most powerful Federal Court in the nation for twelve years, without concern or complaint became the latest attempted casualty in their desperate attempt to cling to power. This is the Democrat Party of 2018.

On the other hand, we have a group of flawed men and women who believe in the rule of law.
They believe the Constitution protects every single one of us regardless of sex, race, skin color, economic level, etc. Republicans, who believe that a booming economy can be beneficial to every American and wish to see that happen, are combatting the Democrat promise to erase the Trump tax cuts if they regain power. Republicans, who although philosophically opposed to both Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor, confirmed both with neither the huge fuss nor the cruel and unwarranted character assassination unleashed on Kavanaugh, now have the numbers to approve justices they support. As the leftist icon Barack Obama so accurately stated, "Elections have consequences." and "I won." Well, yes, they do and Trump won. Republicans may have hated every minute of the Obama administration, but unlike the loudest of Democrats, they didn't come unglued and act like spoiled children who didn't get their way. Republicans want to see us regain our stature internationally, restore our military to the state of readiness demanded in a world filled with crazy dictators and Islamic Extremists and create an environment that will unleash the vast power of our economy. They wish to protect the rights of everyone to have free speech, even on college campuses; bear arms, within the bounds of existing law and immigrate legally to become a welcome part of our society. They respect the service of our first-responders and military men and women with all of the inherent risks and wish to support them in every way they deserve. Republicans desire that all Americans have the freedom they need to create, earn, develop, explore, invent and succeed; they understand that government creates little, costs much and buries its citizenry in unnecessary red tape.

So, we have a clear choice this election cycle. We can choose Nancy Pelosi, who can barely string together a coherent sentence and who has promised to repeal the tax cut she called "crumbs" for the American people. We can have an endless effort by unhinged Democrats such as Maxine Waters to impeach a duly elected President, just because she hates him. We can have more of the sickening theatrics of the Kavanaugh nomination, more of the games played with peoples lives, more of the lies to maintain power or we can give the Democrats the electoral slap-down they have earned in this election. Perhaps the ONLY thing that will get their attention is a harsh rebuke by the electorate, sending the clear message that we do not approve of nor support their tactics. If the Democrats are rewarded for their appalling behavior since the election of Trump, then this will never stop. Never. This will become the new normal. I, for one, do not want to live in a country like that. The choice, my friends is clear: Do we we choose anarchy and chaos or the rule of law? Please choose wisely.


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