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Why Ask Why?

To reason and to choose are the great intellectual gifts that are supposed to elevate us above the animal kingdom. Failing to implement reason or comprehend that choice leads to consequence has become the worst pandemic in the world...far worse than COVID. That failure has left us living with unprecedented fear, anger, division and tribalism. In my view, the only way we can begin to make a positive move away from such things is to ask basic questions like "Why?"

I have so many questions, that I hardly know where to begin. Some of the answers I know. Some, I don't. And some, I can hazzard a pretty good guess. It is vital to our survival as a nation and as a world of nations that we start asking more questions and demanding answers from those who pretend to lead us. Are we sure of their motiviations or are we too lazy to care? Are we ignoring the nagging concerns that come to our minds in exchange for solidarity or political correctness? Are we afraid to ask questions because we are more afraid of the possible answers? Complacency leads to slavery and the only way out of slavery is through violence. That is not a future I desire. Instead, will you please join me in contemplating the following questions?

(In order to shorten the length of this piece, I am including notes/references at the end, if you wish to read further on these items. Items with an ** at the end have further references below.)

1. I am completely pro-vaccine and have received the Moderna COVID vax. I was happy to get it; I wanted it. If the vaccines work, why do I have to wear a mask? 

2. If masks are so effective at protecting us from COVID, why do we need vaccinations? And how did it ever get out of China? The Chinese wear masks all the time due to the pollution there. Why didn't it stop the spread of COVID?

3. Why are masks being pushed on the public, nay demanded, when the science does not support the masking being done by the non-medical personnel as being truly helpful in slowing the spread of COVID? Why has there never been any actual training of the general public to demonstrate the way to properly mask? Medical personnel know how and Joe Q. Public has no clue. Cloth and paper masks are about as effective as trying to stop a mosquito with a chain link fence; why the slavish devotion to masking?**

4. If the vaccines are proving to be less effective than originally thought, then why are so many government figures insistent that everyone get them anyway, even though they are still considered experimental and under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)?**

5. Why is the United States one of the most important developed nations in the world that is not tracking the numbers of COVID survivors who now have natural immunity?

6. Why is natural immunity dismissed as completely unimportant, when medical science has shown that historically it is the best kind of immunity?

7. Why is it that "My body, my choice" only applies to those who want to murder their helpless children, but is anathema when applied to those who have legitimate concerns about receiving an experimental vaccine? Why are legitimate concerns about potential side-effects and complications dismissed without discussion? Why can't individuals make that choice with their doctor's advice and have it be nobody's business but their own? Why should anyone be vaccinated for a disease they've already had? Is that necessary? Is it medically safe? (Incidentally, why are abortion clinics, whose main purpose is to kill babies campaigning for "Reproductive Rights"? Is anyone preventing them from reproducing? Are we sterilizing people against their will or are they afraid to call it what it is?)

8. Why is the CDC and the media so hesitant to report the actual numbers on declining vaccine effectiveness? If the vaccines are highly effective, why have boosters become the order of the day? I don't really care if I need to get a booster, but I want THE TRUTH! I'm so tired of the propoganda and lies. Just tell me the truth!

9. If masking and vaccines cannot control COVID, then wouldn't it be better for healthy people to get COVID, recover and have natural immunity? (By the way, the current death rate from COVID is 1.6%. That calculation comes from KNOWN cases and does not include the number of people who have had COVID and never got tested or were asymptomatic. The death rate is therefore probably much lower than 1.6%. It is interesting to compare flu deaths to COVID numbers. If you look at table 2 and the death rate %, it is very enlightening. The risk for children 0-17 of dying from the flu is 50-80 times higher than COVID (it is not a high number either way) and the risk for adults aged 18-49 is exactly the same as COVID right now (1.6%). Clearly the flu is most dangerous for adults over age 65. Which begs the question: Why have we shut down the world over COVID? We have much more information now. I know it's real. We MUST get on with our lives. Why aren't we?

10. Why aren't we focused like a laser on protecting the ill and aged--clearly the most vulnerable to dying from COVID complications? Why the emotional beatdown on those that don't want the vaccine? Why are we going to force children to get a vaccine they would only need with a concurrent dangerous medical condition?**

11. Why are we forcing the least likely population (children) to die from COVID to wear masks in spite of the mounting evidence of dangerous side-effects of masking?**

12. Why do adults no longer have the right to determine their own level of risk and choose accordingly? If you are paralyzed by your fear of COVID, what is your responsibility? Should you get an N95 mask to wear, in order to allay your fears? Should you be allowed to restrict the rights of others because of your fears?**

13. Is anyone else bothered by the unmasked elitists going to Met Galas and Emmy Award programs where only the "little people" have to wear masks? Does it bother you that Nancy Pelosi, Gavin Newsome, Joe Biden, Barack Obama and a host of liberal mayors and governors have all been caught ignoring mask mandates when it is inconvenient for them? Is that double-standard ever appropriate in a society based on the rule of law? Why are these same elitists allowed to use "emergency declarations" and "mandates" to avoid the actual rule of law, force businesses to close, cost people their livelihoods and freedoms with no end in sight? Is it the role of any governor or President to "keep us safe"?**

14. After the return of college football and the host of "super-spreader" events known as college football games, why aren't we all dead from COVID?

15. Why did all the news agencies switch their COVID reporting from counting the daily number of deaths to the daily number of cases? The VAST majority of people who get COVID recover. Cases DO NOT equal death. Is there an effort to maintain a certain level of fear and panic by conflating the number of cases with the number of deaths?**

16. How much money are the pharmaceutical companies making from the COVID vaccines? And perhaps more importantly, how much more profitable will the boosters be?**

17. Are you aware that under the EUA for the COVID vaccines, all pharma companies are avoiding the 75 cents per dose excise tax that would be levied if they were fully licensed by the FDA? That tax pays into a compensation fund for negative vaccine outcomes. Instead, consumers are being "protected" under a much  less favorable taxpayer funded program. (Very interesting article explains this better. See below.)**

18. Is this really a "pandemic of the unvaccinated?" (Joe Biden) If that is true, why are there so many breakthrough cases of the vaccinated--thus requiring boosters? Is that even provable? When Colin Powell died from multiple myeloma with COVID complications, a startling claim was made: "'Colin Powell died because someone else made the choice not to get vaccinated,' Dr. Watkins says." Really? Where is the proof for that claim? If there are breakthrough cases in the vaccinated, how can that claim possibly be true? Why would an M.D. make such a divisive and spurious claim bordering on malpractice?**

19. How are COVID deaths being counted? For example, Powell's death should not be listed as a COVID death, because it is misleading and inaccurate. Sadly, he died from cancer, but a case of the flu would have had the same effects as COVID. Why isn't there a separate category for those who die solely of COVID versus those who have severe comorbidities and COVID is the last straw? We can track that statistically without revealing private medical information. Are COVID deaths counted the same world-wide? Why have we financially incentivized our hospitals to claim COVID as the primary cause of death when it isn't?**

20. Why are people losing their ever-loving minds over experimenting with possible treatments that are well-known, cheap and effective? (Such as hydroxychloriquine, ivermectin and remdesivir). Why is it anyone else's business if a doctor and patient decide to try such drugs to treat a scary illness that currently has no cure? Since when can pharmacists, governors or presidents determine what drugs may be used by individual patients? Is it related to the fact that there is no profit to be made from these existing drugs?**

21. Why is the Biden administration limiting the use of monoclonal antibodies (a seeemingly highly effective anti-COVID therapy) in certain states? Doesn't it make sense to send the medicine where it's most needed rather than to divide it "fairly" amongst all the states irrespective of existing COVID treatment needs?**

22. Why hasn't Dr. Fauci been fired? Does he have an iota of credibility left to his name? I won't even attempt to document the nearly innumerable times that he has directly contradicted himself. Isn't there someone without a political nor personal agenda who would serve the nation's needs better than he? In fact, you may argue that he is partially responsible for the creation of COVID. He sent NIH funding to the lab in Wuhan to research gain of function. Should he be in jail?**

23. Why are hospital and government leaders painting the hospital capacity crisis as a COVID problem? It is in fact an existing problem that has been accelerated by COVID and exacerbated by governmental vaccine mandates. The nursing shortage in the U.S. has existed of and on for decades. Why haven't hospital administrators addressed this issue in a serious way prior to now? Many nurses have become burned out and quit; others have been forced to quit by government or employer vaccine mandates. If these health-care workers have survived safely for over a year and a half unvaccinated, why create additional shortages in medical personnel when we most need them? Or in any first responders? Why is there no accounting for the fact that many of these workers have had COVID, recovered and now have natural immunity? Have you ever heard of giving a measles vaccine to someone who's already had measles, for example? Why are they not offered the choice of being tested and wearing a properly fitted N-95 mask instead of the vaccine? Is it appropriate for anyone to make that decision for anyone else?**

24. If the hospital bed shortage is as bad as the media is reporting, why aren't we using the national guard to establish COVID care units? Where are the ventilators that we built at the beginning of the pandemic?

25. Are you aware of how many important medical procedures are not being done at present, in many states, because they are not considered emergent? (This includes patients in dire need of surgery for severe back pain, hip replacements, mastectomies, cancer treatments, etc.)**

26. Can anyone find anywhere in the Constitution where the President of the United States has the authority to force people to receive unwanted medical care, including vaccines? Does any governor have that authority? Do they have the right to force people out of their livelihoods over vaccine status? What might be the unintended consequences of such actions?

27. If you agree with those policies, where do you draw the line? When they come after you, to force a medical procedure on you that you don't want, what will you then say? What recourse will you then have?

28. I have heard idiot pundits and far more seriously, medical personnel suggest that hospitals should not treat those who choose not to receive the COVID vaccine. They feel that the unvaccinated should "get what they deserve". By that logic, should we then not treat the homeless? addicts? the obese? Type 2 diabetics? drunk drivers? people that swim? people that drive? people that take "unnecessary" risks as decided by you? Can anyone see any possible problems with that slippery slope?

29. Is anyone concerned by the politicization of "science"? When the sad truth is that there is still so much we don't know about how to cure it, how to stop the spread, where it came from and such important pieces of information. Why is there only one "acceptable" stance? Why is the ONLY proper course of action to get vaccinated and wear a mask? Why can't we discuss other possibilities? Why is it blasphemy to discuss the many conflicting studies and opinions of doctors, epidemiologists, drug manufacturers, social scientists, psychologists? Why are they so afraid to admit all of the things they don't know? I am far more likely to accept that explanation than all the malarkey that gets made up on the fly in press conference after press conference.

30. Why do you have to show proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test to legally travel to the U.S., (even if you're a citizen) but if you cross the border illegally, nobody cares? Why are we allowing illegal entry in to the U.S. in the first place? And in the second place, why aren't they tested for a whole host of diseases (AIDS, measles, tuberculosis, and COVID!!!!) before they are released into the interior of the U.S. with a polite request to show up in court at some other time? What the hell?! I have to show proof of vaccination to go to a blasted concert in Washington state but if I come through Mexico, I don't even get asked?!! Oh, I forgot, Psaki says "they don't intend to stay here for a long period of time." ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? They walked here from Panama just as a quick constitutional; they just wanted to see what America looks like and then they'll go right home...or start obeying the law now that they've broken the law to get in. Oh, and it's okay if you walk acroos the border, but you can't fly in without proof of vaccination. No least no words that I can repeat here; they're all four letters long.

31. Why did Joe Biden abandon Afghanistan? Was his end goal really just to get out by 9/11? Why isn't the media talking about the thousands of citizens who were abandoned there? or the hundreds of people who helped us, who we abandoned? Christians are being hunted down and exterminated in the most horrifying methods. Why doesn't anyone care? Afghan girls as young as 12 are being kidnapped as child brides for the Taliban while schools are now closed to girls. Where are the feminists? Homosexuals are being hunted and slaughtered. Where are the Pride Paraders?**

32. Why hasn't General Milley been fired? Apparently he had plenty of time to meet with several authors to burnish his personal reputation, but couldn't take the time to formulate and recommend, nay insist upon,  a functional Afghanistan exit plan. Is he at all concerned with our military readiness, as China quickly exploits and overtakes us, or is his main concern a witch hunt for conservatives in the military and the Marxist doctrine of critical race theory? Does it worry anyone that critical race theory creates manufactured suspicion and racial division among military units that must function as one?**

33. Why, after the world said "never again" about the Nazi plague, do we stand by silently as the Uighers in China are killed, locked in re-education camps and are having their organs harvested for sale. How is this not genocide? Are we too afraid of China's power to call this what it is?**

34. Why is our FBI targeting Trump supporters as the most dangerous people in the U.S., when we just handed the Taliban an entire country and billions of dollars of state of the art military equipment? We also brought in thousands of unvetted Afghan refugees. Can they be serious? Have they seen what has happened with too many male Afghan refugees in Europe? (I'm not suggesting we don't owe a deep debt of gratitude and maybe even citizenship to many of these good Afghans. But if we haven't vetted them all, should they walk around freely until we know who we've allowed in?) Furthermore, do you know any white supremacists? I do not. And throwing that label around as a cheap political exercise to demonize the opposition, demeans actual racism and does not advance the real security concerns that face any nation.**

35. Why is the distinguished Merrick Garland, Attorney General of the United States, sending the FBI to investigate parents who are outraged by out-of-control school boards who have essentially told the voters where to go? Is he that deeply wounded about not being confirmed as a Supreme Court Justice? Is this his way to get even with conservatives? Is the FBI now to become the speech police? Investigate and charge actual crime, of course! But investigating parents who voice their opposition to the policies of their elected officials? If there are crimes committed, that would in fact be within the authority and purview of the local authorities anyway. Again, you may think that's cool now, but what if the political coin flips to the other side, will you be so happy if you become the target? I've said it before and I'll keep saying it. The most important speech to protect is the speech you disagree with. Period.**

36. How did we get to a place where school boards, school administrators and teachers unions think parents should have no say in the education of their children? Who has the final rightful say about whether their children are vaccinated or not and what they are taught? When our schools are graduating functional illiterates at staggering rates, would it not be better for them to focus on reading, writing and 'rithmetic instead of their overwhelming focus on social indoctrination? Is it ever okay for any political official to tell parents they have no right to have a say about what their kids are taught in school?**

37. Can we examine why all of the media and the Democrat party insists on referring to the stupidity of Jan. 6 as an insurrection? May I offer up the recent example of the collapse of Afghanistan to the Taliban as an actual insurrection? What happened on Jan. 6 was lawless and it was stupid and ugly. But the ONLY person who died was an unarmed female veteran, killed by a Capitol police officer. We're still trying to get details on that. Everyone else has been hunted down, with the willing help of social media, charged and jailed. Prosecutors are seeking jail time for misdemeanor offenses and many who broke the law are being held in solitary confinement...for a misdemeanor. Is that lawful or are they political prisoners? I honestly can't believe I must phrase the question that way as a citizen in the United States. I am not being hyperbolic. Are they worse criminals because they are Trump supporters? Are we a nation of laws or not? How many BLM poser thugs were charged and jailed, when they committed felonies? I wonder...**

38. Joe Biden tells us that his $3.5 trillion spending package will not add to the deficit. What?! ....................................I can't even. (In actuality the total cost will be $5 trillion spread over two proposed bills.) I wonder if Joe went to public schools...(Update since I first wrote this, the Democrats are now modifying the numbers down to around $1.5 trillion for Build Back Better and $1trillion for infrastructure, by shortening the term of the spending, NOT by removing pork from their bills. They still claim it won't cost anything because of tax increases on corporations and the rich. Even if they succeed in "paying" for their bills with taxes, the uber-rich don't pay taxes. Ask Warren Buffett or Bill Gates. Those who go to work every day and get a paycheck are the ones who will pay for this no-cost bill. Less take home pay, tightened disposable income on top of increasing inflation on everything, fewer jobs--No cost? Really? And BTW, corporations do not pay taxes. It doesn't matter how many taxes you place upon them, the cost always gets passed on to their customers. We will pay it--not the corporations. The real cost to us will also include massive job losses again, as corporations move their operations out of the US to avoid dealing with the tax issues. Who really pays?)**

39. Is it ever appropriate for the President of the U.S. to threaten governors who refuse to bend to his/her will?**

40. Janet Yellin and the Democrats think it's time to get rid of the debt ceiling completely. Seriously! The sky is the limit. We can print money until the cows come home with no negative consequences!!!!!! Yay!!!!................................How?**

41. Don't worry about inflation, it's temporary. Well maybe it's not so temporary. But please don't be alarmed by the fact that we're back to paying $4/gallon of gas. And don't think about the fact that everything we buy gets delivered by a truck, which gets factored into the cost of everything we buy. Please don't think about that! Why?

42. Why did Joe Biden lift the restrictions on the Russian gas pipeline while shutting down all of ours? Do you actually believe those policy decisions have had nothing to do with the cost of our fuel? We went from being energy independent for the first time in our nation's history two years ago, to begging OPEC to open up production. They told us to pound sand. Why did he do it?**

43. Why is everything we buy still being manufactured in China? Did we learn nothing last year from COVID? Lack of medicines? Lack of PPE? Lack of computer chips?

44. Why aren't we manufacturing computer chips in the U.S.? We have crippled our own auto industry and the manufacturing of everything else that has a chip, like dishwashers and refrigerators. Why? Are we really that consistenly stupid and short-sighted?

45. Why on earth, in the Build Back Better (by committing economic suicide) Bill, does the government need to know about every financial transaction American citizens make greater than $600 or $1,000 or whatever number they decide to throw in there? Janet Yellin is really down for this struggle. There are just too many people cheating the IRS!!!! Really? We stupidly gave up this right with the "Patriot Act" at a level of $10,000. But since most of don't participate in transactions that large on a regular basis, we looked away. What ever happened to subpoenas and probable cause? IF the authorities suspect someone is breaking the law, they can gather their evidence, present it before a judge and GET A WARRANT!!!! That is one of our most fundamental rights. Does anyone care?**

46. Why are there nearly 11 million unfilled jobs in the U.S.? Why are people quitting their jobs at an unprecedented rate? How many of those quitting are doing so because they refuse to be bullied into a vaccine they don't want and have the freedom (supposedly) to choose?**

47. Why can't we get ships unloaded in California? Is it because it's more profitable not to work? Is it because the unions will not allow automation in the Port of Los Angeles? Is it because we don't have enough truck drivers? Or is caused by a multitude of ridiculous regulations created by California earth-muffins that destroy business, thwart common sense and result in millions of dollars of unintended consequences? Will we ever hold the actual perpetrators accountable?**

48. One new question about COVID that just came up. Are the mRNA vaccines setting us up for far worse death counts? I certainly hope not. A study just came out of Great Britain that is sobering to say the least, indicating that a drastic mutation the COVID spike protein could kill the vaccinated more easily through their inability to mount an immune response.**

49. Are you asking why yet? If not, why not?


3. (You can find many articles that claim to reduce COVID transmission, what is difficult to find is actual numbers. Fauci himself said that regular masks are not very effective at stopping the virus. If a mask reduces the risk by 1%, I'm not wearing a mask. I hate them. If it were proven to be an effective barrier 99% of the time, I'd be on board.

4. (I'm not arguing against the vaccine here, I think adults with no other risk factors should choose to get vaccinated, but we need to have honesty about the effectiveness of the vaccines. Clearly this is not the smallpox vaccine, which eradicated small pox. Even calling it "highly effective" needs to be clarified. Highly effective as defined by what measurement? Preventing COVID? Maybe not so much as they hoped. Reducing the severity and deaths, probably.

10. To date there have been 637 deaths in U.S. children. Every one of them a tragedy. ( But the community at large needs to know how more. How many of these kids had extenuating health problems? How many children (0-18) have had confirmed COVID cases? 637 deaths out of approximately 6.3 million confirmed cases in U.S. children is a death rate of .01%. ( Furthermore, we have no way of knowing how many kids have had COVID and recovered who were never tested for it. We also have no idea how many of them were sick and asymptomatic.



13.,, etc., etc., etc.

15. Look at the numbers for yourself and analyze what they mean. It's constantly changing and is different from country to country based on hundreds of different factors. Looking at the numbers, it appears that the death rate is around 2% across the world. Not the terrifying demon they've been pedaling for far too long now.





20., Maybe as prophylaxis:,,,






















  1. You are amazing & should run for office. I wish every American could read this post.

  2. Thank you so much! You're very kind. Please share it with all you can. Thanks for reading.

  3. Lori, I have also been creating a list of questions. You've known me for two decades and know that I'm studious and immersed in economic fact. After looking at the work of Dr. David Martin (who follows the Intellectual Property records of Covid and the inoculations), the candid in-hospital interviews with nurses, and the Pfizer whistleblower, I am convinced that the virus was engineered and released to depopulate the globe (just look at Bill Gates on YouTube stating that with the right vaccines and birth control we can lower the world population), create profit in the drug industry and usher in a new era of totalitarianism. Global debt is unsolvable, there are too many retirees, and not enough young workers. I believe the vaccines are responsible for the Delta variant (which hospitals don't have a test for), they are damaging our immune systems and that the next virus released (Marburg is the next forecast) will kill many. The damage caused by the jab is unreported and significant. Our leaders are reigning from a platform of fear. The proposed increased oversight of bank balances is about tracking us, perhaps for tax compliance. Reigning in cryptocurrencies is about preventing flight of capital from our nation. The Build Back Better agenda and the illegal aliens allowed to enter our nation are about collapsing our nation's economy so that we take a hard pivot towards Socialism. Study the vaccines and do not submit to further jabs. Contact me for sources. The time is getting late for our communities to mobilize and protest masks and vaccines. The church is the most powerful entity because its members are immovable on the matters of faith and sovereignty. We need our leaders to present the evidence that these vaccines are about depopulation and we must revolt in mass.


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