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The American Death Cult

Cults are known for some typical but disturbing behavior. Most obvious, is the brainwashing of their members. They also specialize in controllling the flow of information; keeping vital facts from followers. They viciously attack anyone who might question their dogma or dare to leave the cult. Thinking or thoughtful discussion with others and the search for unadulterated truth are the things cults fear the most. The extreme left in this country has embraced these tactics and become a cult of death: their god is hedonism, militant feminists the high priestesses, Planned Parenthood the holy temples and killing the unborn their most sacred ritual. They are adamantly opposed to any kind of open discussion about the pluses, minuses and causes that lead women to feel they must get an abortion. They work hand-in-hand with the mainstream media to spread their orthodoxy while painting anyone who disagrees with them as the women from the Handmaid's Tale. They are currently, illegally doxing and indimidating the "conservative" justices; actions which would get conservative activists arrested. (We know this from the actions on Jan. 6. And I agree. ANYONE who breaks the law should be arrested, charged and tried in a court of law.) But as long as it serves to further extreme leftist dogmas, law enforcement and specifically Merrick Garland look the other way. Firebombing and vandalizing pro-life offices, interrupting and disturbing Catholic worshippers exercising their first amendment rights, is all ignored since the ends always justify the means on the left. Certainly if the Westboro Baptist church were picketing Sonia Sotomayor's or Elena Kagan's home, the hue and cry from the left would be deafening. And they would be right. It's against the law and totally inappropriate. Citizens are welcome to picket the Supreme Court and march in the street. I will support their right to do so. But when they cross the line, when any of us do, we need to be held to account by the law. 

With the criminal release of the pending Supreme Court abortion decision, emotions have boiled over and reached an all-time high on the subject. Extreme leftists quickly resorted to vandalism, violence, doxing and intimidation. Without regard for any facts that might cloud the issue, "pro-choicers" ran en masse to microphones proclaiming their false and flawed rhetoric in the hopes of exploiting a serious and contentious issue for their own political gain. It is something to behold. Shocking in its shallowness, disgusting in its dissimulation and repulsive in its unbridled rage--we are witnessing the emotional paroxysms of the abortion death cult. 

We have been bombarded for the past few days with the illogical, emotional vomit of those committed to abortion at any cost, without entertaining any other possible solution. The same people who have run around screaming at us to wear a mask and get vaccinated, even if it's against our will, now have returned to "my body, my choice". Sadly, and unsurprisingly, that phrase can ONLY be used with a woman's"right" to kill her child. They have temporarily re-embraced the idea of womanhood, only to be used as a weapon to beat us with, because now all of a sudden men have no say because they can't get pregnant. (That may change next week depending on the-ever shifting winds of politics.) These same people would rush to claim that an amoeba found on Mars would mean the discovery of new life in the universe, while denying the fact that an embryo created by the union of a man and a woman is life--until and unless they decide it is. Apparently science is highly subjective after all. 

The vapid, selfish arguments proferred by these cultists is not only beyond hypocritical but completely bereft of honesty. For example, the "my body, my choice" argument is destroyed by the fact that the DNA of the mother and the child are not the same; they do not share a blood supply nor an immune system. These scientific facts alone are irrefutable. The baby is NOT the mother's body. Then there is the total misnomer of "reproductive rights." Not one single person in the USA is trying to take away a woman's right to reproduce. This is pure rhetoric and the basest of political tactics. Repackaging abortion does nothing to change the fact that it is not, has never been and never should be Constitutional or moral to take the life of another human being. Neither is abortion women's health. Yes, keeping a woman healthy during pregnancy is of supreme importance, but killing a baby is not about a woman's health. Sorry. Perhaps, most infuriating about this argument is the fact the abortionists regularly ignore and dismiss the mental, spiritual and emotional damage that will shadow most women who have an abortion, for the rest of their if woman don't struggle enough already with the ravages of mental health. Nor will they acknowledge the horrific physical trauma, sometimes irreversible, inflicted on a woman that can leave them sterile. Some will further argue that if healthcare and child care were free, etc. then noone would need an abortion. Abstinence is free and in fact, foolproof. Personal responsibility is free. And thanks to Obamacare, birth control is free! So, no, that dog will not hunt. Another favorite brand of pig lipstick is "late-term abortion"--a watered down and deceptive label for killing a perfectly healthy and viable child. Many cultists also argue that thousands of abortions must be performed each year due to rape, incest or to save the life of the mother. These are actual reasons that most Americans find justifiable and rare. However, of all abortions committed, "96.5% are performed for economic and social (“convenience”) reasons." 1 

The abortion death cult is also incredibly adept at deceiving everyone they can in regards to the politics and the law. We were supposedly founded as a nation of laws, not men or women, and certainly not emotion. When emotion rules, governance is inconsistent, arbitrary and unreliable. Thus, we write laws that are to be administered fairly and evenly, regardless of background. There is simply no justification in the Constitution--under the law--that can be made for federal protection of abortion. According to the law, is should be left to the states and determined solely by them and their voters. Thus allowing voters both to more easily change state laws or vote with their feet and move to another state. IF the Supreme Court does indeed overturn Roe v. Wade, it will not make abortion illegal; it will allow each state and its citizens to determine what they want to do with abortion laws. We already know that states like New York, California and Washington are going to turn their states into abortion travel destinations. (I can only imagine what that ad campaign will look funded, no doubt.) And no, if this ruling holds, it will not be made by five white men. For your information, Clarence Thomas is black and Amy Coney Barrett is a woman. In fact, to add to the stupidity of that argument, it was seven white justices who gave us the "right" initially to murder approximately 63 million babies. So that "logic" will not quite get it done. Even Saint Ruth Bader Ginsburg did not think the ruling was legally well-reasoned. She definitely supported abortion, but had the honesty to admit there were problems with the ruling. 2

I am adamantly opposed to the murder of innocent people in any form--Ukranians, murder victims, crime victims and especially helpless the womb or outside of it. I do agree that for extremely rare exceptions, already listed, woman should have the choice to end a pregnancy. But the simple fact is that abortion has become a favored and convenient form of birth control. You cannot convince me that in a overtly and highly sexualized society such as ours, that people don't know how babies are made. If you want to feed me the "my body, my choice" line then act like it. You made the choice when you had sex. Abortion is simply another glaring symptom of the decline of our society and our increasingly abysmal failure to take responsibility for any of our actions. That failure is made exponentially worse by offering infanticide is the only viable option for a bad decision, a bad circumstance or bad timing. I understand that there are real people struggling with real things when they decide to get an abortion but our failure as a society to deal with the underlying issues that lead there is a condemnation of us all. We are so polarized that we can't talk to each other. We aren't even capable of honestly addressing our problems, let alone having a sincere discussion about finding real solutions. People have been making mistakes since the dawn of time and women should not be stigmatized for an unexpected or unwanted pregnancy. Meanwhile, men share far too little responsibility and bear no shame for their part. At the same time, they are allowed no say in the abortion of a child they helped create. But there are other options. Adoption is a wonderful, loving and unselfish gift for both the child and those who cannot have children of their own, but desperately want children. We need to encircle these women in love and help them to see better options, hope and the availability of help. We must take the responsibility to stop unwanted pregnancies before they happen. We must address the costs of healthcare, the cost of adoptions, the back-breaking inflation we are suffering from and the ridiculous cost of housing among other things. Personal responsibility--accountability for our choices--has become all but a distant memory. Teaching our children that one lesson, that every choice has a consequence, may be the most important thing we will ever teach, but we are not doing our job. So for now, America's death cult of abortion, is destroying our nation's soul. We will pay an increasingly heavy price as a culture as we continue to ignore this social cancer. I don't believe that most of those who call themselves pro-choice support the extreme positions of the abortion cult. It is time we stop allowing them to dictate the terms of this "conversation." Because there are solutions and there is always room for growth, but as long as we wallow in emotion and hatred, polarization and rhetoric, we are paralyzed in a precarious place.




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