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Showing posts from September, 2015

The Big Lie

Lying has been a flaw of human nature from the beginning. Two of the most nefarious forms of lying are the lies we tell ourselves and the lies told to intentionally deceive others. Addicts in any form are particularly adept at lying to themselves about their situations. We have all seen it. Liberals are particularly adept at re-labeling, re-packaging and deflecting the truth to intentionally deceive others and themselves. This column will no doubt infuriate liberals. That is not my purpose. I hope they will have the courage and intellectual honesty to read to the end. Fact: Margaret Sanger, heroine of Hillary Clinton, was a social activist who started the American Birth Control League which evolved into Planned Parenthood to abort "undesirables" (blacks, the handicapped, children of mixed marriage and the poor). The policy that was adopted by our government in the early 1900's was "settled science", agreed to by the Supreme Court which allowed both forced abor...

Republican Primary

We are well into the throes of the campaign season, with the Republican Presidential Primary becoming more interesting every day. After having watched the first two debates, here are my thoughts about the candidates: Top Tier: Carly Fiorina--One of the best in the last debate. Had the best moment by far when she talked about the abominable abortion practices of Planned Parenthood. A rising star, Washington outsider, smart, well-spoken, well-informed and fearless. Would pay big money to see her debate Hillary Clinton (or any other Democrat); it would be a bloodbath. I need to know more about her political stances, but like what I've heard to date. Ben Carson--Simply a great man. Doesn't do well in this debate format because he's too polite. Loves this country and the Constitution and is extremely intelligent. Has a solid moral foundation. Thoughtful and unflappable. The Democrats could never lay a glove on him. The question will always be, "Are you qualified to be P...