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Showing posts from April, 2016

The System is Corrupt

Once again, our election cycle has amply demonstrated that our political system has been corrupted and populated by those who desperately cling to their power. Both party's systems are archaic, clunky, inefficient and inconsistent. It's enough to make you want to pick up a two-by-four and hit someone in the head. Why not go ahead and do that? Grab that board and hit yourself over the head a couple of times, because it is YOUR fault. You, who sit around and bellyache every Presidential Election cycle about how bad the system is and think the only thing you have to do is fill out a ballot, hit yourself with that board. You, who can't be bothered to set aside some of your time every two years to actually get involved with the process--whether it be a caucus or a convention or whatever your state does, clock yourself a good one. You, who have raised a generation of numbskulls who think that socialism (even with a "Democratic" label in front of it) is compatible with