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Showing posts from May, 2022

The American Death Cult

Cults are known for some typical but disturbing behavior. Most obvious, is the brainwashing of their members. They also specialize in controllling the flow of information; keeping vital facts from followers. They viciously attack anyone who might question their dogma or dare to leave the cult. Thinking or thoughtful discussion with others and the search for unadulterated truth are the things cults fear the most. The extreme left in this country has embraced these tactics and become a cult of death: t heir god is hedonism,  militant feminists the high priestesses, Planned Parenthood the holy temples and killing the unborn their most sacred ritual.  They are adamantly opposed to any kind of open discussion about the pluses, minuses and causes that lead women to feel they must get an abortion. They work hand-in-hand with the mainstream media to spread their orthodoxy while painting anyone who disagrees with them as the women from the Handmaid's Tale. They are currently, illegally doxi