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Showing posts from 2018

A Clear Choice

Every election season we hear, "This is the most important election in our lifetime." In truth, elections are always important, indeed they are vital to the health of our Republic. However, this election, in my mind, actually does meet that standard. Let's clear up right away that there are no perfect politicians on either side of the aisle. Expecting that would sort of be like hoping for a skunk that doesn't stink. Not realistic. However, there is a very clear choice for our future in this election. The Democrat Party, who used to proudly claim to represent the middle class, blue-collar, hard-working folks who make American "go" every day have cast them aside in favor of the rich elites in New York and L.A. and the "oppressed" minorities in the USA, be they women, blacks, Latinos, transgenders, homosexuals, etc. White people in American are told every day how much they suck and that they and their goals, work and aspirations are worthless. Democ...

Knee-Jerk Governance

My utter frustration while observing the typical knee-jerk, emotional, short-attention-span response to current affairs in America is about maxed out. Like so many Pavlovian dogs, the general public responds exactly as the mainstream media and political puppet-masters desire when they "ring the bell". This time, the bell is labeled "Evil SOB Trump Separates Families!" Without ever verifying any facts or taking a breath to find out what is actually going on, Americans respond like trained seals begging for a slimy sardine. Never mind that the separation of families has been going on for years, even (Gasp!) during the Obama administration--all of it, in fact. Ignore the fact that thousands upon thousands of children were "incarcerated" during Obama's tenure. Completely absolve the parents of these children of any responsibility whatsoever for their plight. Turn a blind eye to the fact that gang members kidnap children and bring them across the border, ...

Time for an Honest Conversation

School shootings are not the only thing killing our children. We react, appropriately, in an emotional way to the horrifying events in Florida. As appalling and tragic as it is to have innocent children murdered in a high school, raw emotion will not solve the problem in a rational way. We can and should channel that emotion to affect real and significant change, but for that we must use our intellect. America is visibly in crisis. Until we are ready to have an honest, adult conversation about our problems we are going to be stuck with blind hatred for one another and useless finger pointing leading us further down our misguided path of self-righteousness and anger. The cancer that is killing our society cannot be cured without proper diagnosis. Problem #1: Moral Relativism A nation that was founded on Judeo-Christian values, has since kicked God out of the public square and reduced those of us who believe in God to mindless idiots to be mocked and villified. Even though the princip...