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Showing posts from October, 2018

A Clear Choice

Every election season we hear, "This is the most important election in our lifetime." In truth, elections are always important, indeed they are vital to the health of our Republic. However, this election, in my mind, actually does meet that standard. Let's clear up right away that there are no perfect politicians on either side of the aisle. Expecting that would sort of be like hoping for a skunk that doesn't stink. Not realistic. However, there is a very clear choice for our future in this election. The Democrat Party, who used to proudly claim to represent the middle class, blue-collar, hard-working folks who make American "go" every day have cast them aside in favor of the rich elites in New York and L.A. and the "oppressed" minorities in the USA, be they women, blacks, Latinos, transgenders, homosexuals, etc. White people in American are told every day how much they suck and that they and their goals, work and aspirations are worthless. Democ...