Before reading this post, I ask the following: 1) Please set emotion aside for a moment and hear me out. 2) Know that I understand the seriousness of the COVID-19 pandemic and that there is no such thing as an "acceptable loss". 3) Doctors are amazing people (I'm married to one), but they will of necessity, look at this pandemic differently than most of the world. With those disclaimers, please entertain the following: We cannot, either as a nation or a world, stay shut down indefinitely. Without the life blood that business pumps into our economy, it will shrivel and dry up faster than any of us would have thought possible. The $2 trillion package that was just signed into law demonstrates that more perfectly than any other example I can think of. It is a mind-boggling amount of money, but only a drop in the bucket compared to what is generated daily as we all go about our lives. If we were to try to stay closed for 18 months as some "experts" have suggested,...