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Government Reclamation Manifesto

Government Reclamation Manifesto
By: Lori J. Burns, October 2009

Whereas, those elected to govern our nation have forgotten their true purpose and to whom they answer and whereas the voters, are responsible for this problem, we hereby resolve to reclaim and reform our government and return it to its rightful owners, the people.

We, the people, resolve the following:
1) We will no longer allow any politician to serve for a lifetime. We will limit their terms with our votes, thus eliminating what has become the ruling class of this free nation.
2) We will no longer vote for anyone who puts party before principles and the best interests of our entire nation.
3) We will no longer elect anyone who does not believe in the profound value and sacred nature of our Nation’s founding documents.
4) We will be silent and complacent no more. We will be engaged in the political process from its earliest stages to insure we are electing the people that represent our values, beliefs and morals.
5) We will both seek out people who represent our values to run for office and we ourselves will make the necessary sacrifices to run for office, to return our government to its Constitutional foundations.
6) We will demand accountability, responsibility and honesty of our government and elected
7) We will never surrender the sovereignty of this nation to any foreign power, world organization or special interest group.

We further resolve the following:
8) To demand that our elected representatives pass legislation that will require the reading of all bills before voted upon. And that all legislation will be made available to the public for their contemplation and feedback prior to said vote.
9) To demand that our elected representatives stop the nefarious practice of earmarks.
10) To demand that our elected representatives pass legislation to require that all bills contain only related content. This will eliminate the dishonest and deceptive practice of grouping unrelated items and using that as an excuse to either vote for or against said legislation.
11) To demand that the pensions of elected officials shall be given only as one year, per each year in office. The lifetime pensions must stop.
12) To demand that our elected officials will be part of the same retirement and insurance plans that the citizens are “given”.

Finally, we resolve to take responsibility for our lives and our choices. We will look to ourselves, first and foremost to solve our own problems and return our government to a place of limited interference, limited taxation and limited power.


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