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Our National Embarrassment

If you are not furious about the happenings of the last few days with our Middle Eastern embassies, you need to be. Our Libyan ambassador, Chris Stevens, and three other Americans were murdered in a pre-planned attack. This attack was loosely coordinated, but coordinated none-the-less with Egypt and intended to fall on 9-11 as we commemorated the events of that horrible day eleven years ago. ( The mobs in both countries violated the borders of our embassies, which in any other part of the world would be an act of war. Imagine if you can, Americans storming the Chinese embassy within our borders. First of all, it would never happen. Secondly, there would be international condemnation and outrage; appropriately so. Even in the coldest days of the Cold War, the USSR never violated our embassy in such a way. Worse though is that in Libya, the mob turned bloodthirsty. And even though the main stream media has done its best to cover up the facts of this attack, there are pictures in the electronic universe of the dead or dying body of Ambassador Stevens being dragged through the streets of Libya. This attack was not innocent, it was not accidental and it was not arbitrary.

Our feckless, naive administration celebrated the "Arab Spring" as they welcomed "democracy" to Egypt and Libya. They knew not who would be taking the place of the displaced dictators and still, somehow, failed to understand that democracy is not to be celebrated. "What?!", you say? Democracy is not to be desired. We do not live in a democracy; we live in a democratic republic. That is to say that we have elected representatives. Our Founding Fathers created an intentionally slow, deliberate form of government to protect us from the very things we are witnessing in these new "democracies". These wise men were also very aware of and very afraid of the shortcomings of a pure democracy. In a pure democracy, the minorities have no rights or guaranteed protections, they are subject only to the will of the majority. When the majority rules, the mobs can easily take over as we are now witnessing. Ask the Coptic Christians in Egypt how much freedom of religion they have in this new democracy. (Read this chilling article for more info: Democracy in it's rawest form is ugly and that was demonstrated in the most vile way two days ago.

We are cursed with an administration that refuses to see this uprising for what it is; they refuse to even look. Much like a toddler who covers their eyes and says, "You can't see me!", our state department and our president are living in an alternate universe. The Middle East is being overrun by Islamists. There is a huge difference (supposedly) between Islam and Islamists. We are constantly being told that Islam is a religion of peace, but the actions of those in power belie them. Islamists are extremists of the highest order. They don't want democracy and they don't want freedom. Like any other corrupt human, they crave power. Their end goal is to manifest that power through a Muslim Calafate--a unified Islamic nation that would be governed not through a democracy, but through a theocracy. They know they can't go directly to theocracy through revolution, so they are taking it in steps by starting with a sham democracy. Once they achieve power, they will install a theocracy with Sharia Law as their governing directive. In a nutshell, the goal of Sharia Law will be to destroy the "unbelievers" and govern with the iron fist already used by the Taliban in Afghanistan and Wahabi in Saudi Arabia. In such a government, women will have no rights--they cannot go to school, they cannot drive, they cannot vote, the are essentially slaves. Homosexuality is punishable by death and other things they consider crimes are punished through corporal or capital punishment. Women who are raped are found guilty of being unclean and are lashed for their misbehavior.

The larger goals of this Calafate would be to replace all of the existing governments in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Libya, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Algeria, et al with this theocracy. They would have control over all the oil in the Middle East, the Suez Canal and would destroy Israel (or the Little Satan) in short order. They will offer no quarter and no sympathy to anyone who stands in their way. And if they succeed their next target will be the Great Satan--us.

Osama bin Laden left two great legacies to the world of the Islamists. The first was the attacks of 9-11. Secondly, and perhaps more far-reaching is that he trained the Islamists to use our own sensibilities and political correctness against us. The willing dupes in our media, who will do anything to be liked, willingly repeat the rhetoric spewed by the Islamists. Rather than do some actual research and learn the facts about that which they report, they search the web and regurgitate. The very idea that these attacks were spurred by some farcical movie about Allah that has been out for over a year, is beyond absurd. It is insulting to the American people and a damnable lie to the families of those who were killed. Hillary Clinton, THIS morning, condemned the maker of this ridiculous movie and gave these terrorists an excuse to behave like barbarians. Obviously, the current administration's policy of apology, appeasement and bribery has been completely effective in the Middle East. They love us so much more now than they did four years ago. Even Obama's current atrocious behavior towards Israel has not succeeded in pacifying the blood-thirsty animals that currently control the Middle East.

As for Islam, I am out of patience with being told it is a religion of peace. They continue to talk the talk, but almost everywhere I look in the world, people are being butchered in the name of Allah. If in fact, these Islamists do not represent the sentiments of the millions of Muslims throughout the world, when are they going to do something about it? Christians are persecuted regularly throughout the world, but you do not hear about them blowing themselves up in crowded cafes or tossing Molotov cocktails into mosques. Catholics and Mormons are picked on regularly for their beliefs. How many of them do you see running around killing people and destroying property in retribution to their persecutors? I am a Mormon. If members of my church were acting in this way and the leadership did not condemn them in the strongest possible terms and excommunicate them, I would leave my church. To all Muslims, I say, "Put up or shut up." It is time for you to take back your religion if it is indeed a religion of peace. If you will not do that, then you are guilty by association.

Meanwhile, our State Department, in an utterly mind-boggling stance, continues to excuse and support this kind of behavior from Muslim nations. Our constant pandering and taking the blame for their actions, has done not one iota to deter this behavior. In fact, we supported a resolution at the U.N. that could potentially criminalize the criticism of Islam. ( This administration refuses to see that the Islamists hate us simply because we breathe. Who could have possibly suspected an attack on American interests on 9-11? Maybe someone should have considered beefing up security at our embassies this week. Maybe they should have considered the possibility that there are those in the Middle East that don't like us very much. Our enemies don't need movies as a pretext to attack us. We exist, therefore we must be destroyed. One of the most sacrosanct rights we enjoy in the free society created under the Constitution, is the right to free speech. Instead of apologizing to the Egyptians for the stupidity of a couple of citizens, the State Department should have condemned any retribution for the exercise of those rights. The Egyptians and Libyans should also should have been put on notice that any breach of our embassies or lives lost would be punished severely. Instead we cower. Is it any wonder the entire Middle East is at a fever pitch today? They neither fear us nor respect us. When a bully has neither fear nor respect, they attack. And they will not stop until we stop them.

The list of reasons that Barack Husein Obama must not be re-elected is longer than my arm. But this international debacle is at the top right now. Obama's administration is directly responsible for these attacks. His apology tour, his refusal to call terrorists exactly that, his pandering and his attempt to buy off people that hate us has failed miserably and we are experiencing the consequences. Obama makes Neville Chamberlain look like a genius. As commander-in-chief he should have responded within the hour to the mobs that were assembling. He should have put them on notice. But we heard nothing from Obama until 11:30 am, the next morning. Then, when he finally spoke, he lacked sufficient concern or passion to even deliver the speech without notes. I suspect that if I were in his position, I could come up with something to say without notes. Last night, he had a campaign rally. He bounced out on to the stage in Nevada, grinning from ear to ear, waving to his adoring fans. The news channels, stopped what they were doing to hear leadership from our President. Once he finally shushed the cries from his groupies of "we love you", he flipped a switch, put on his serious face and said, "It's been a tough day." He discussed that tough day for a whole 90 seconds or so and moved right back to campaigning. There was no anger, no indignation, no seeming empathy for the brutal loss suffered by the families of the victims. It was perfunctory, emotionless and lacking in leadership. Yeah, those Islamists are shaking in their boots. Whatever Obama's motivations may be, we are the laughing stock of the world. Our enemies do not fear us and our allies do not trust us. He dismantles our military, sends tax dollars to our enemies to be used against us and does nothing but talk. We are on the brink of economic destruction at home and at risk of an Islamist world war abroad and he does...nothing. Obama must go. He must, must, must go. And if we do not get rid of him in November, then I guess we as a nation are at a place that we deserve everything we get. I never thought I would live to see the annihilation of our nation, but that may be our near future.


  1. Where do you find the words? I would not know how to begin to express those thoughts and feelings. Keep it up! Thanks.


    These are photos of Libyans--Muslims--reacting to recent events. In the same way that the actions of our government and leaders do not necessarily represent my views or yours, the actions of terrorists and insurgents do not necessarily represent the views of many Muslims--whether Libyan, Iranian, Iraqi, or American.

  3. Tricia, thank you for sharing those pictures. It was very emotional to see that and it's a really good start. Trust me when I say how much I hope I'm wrong about Muslim's and I know I was painting with VERY broad brushstrokes. However, at this writing, there are anti-American uprisings in the following countries: Lebanon, Tunisia, Gaza, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Sudan, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Morocco. This is why I have such a dim view of Islam. I hope someday soon, they will prove me wrong. Thanks for reading.


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