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Vaccine Hysteria

Nearly unquantifiable amounts of emotional angst have been expended over the last couple of weeks as the Disneyland measles outbreak continues to spread. Passions on both sides have been raging as people point the finger of blame and panic a little. I am not sure how this became such a vitriolic issue. I feel certain that were you to talk to anyone from the Greatest Generation, and ask them their opinion of vaccines, they would express nothing but extreme gratitutide for the amazing scientific advances that could protect their children, family and friends from such horrific illnesses as smallpox, polio, measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, whooping cough, etc. My mother is a child of the Greatest Generation, but still remembers an elementary school classmate who contracted polio and was left crippled for life. It really wasn't that long ago that the ravages of those diseases were an ever-present concern in America.

Fast forward to the current day and we find all kinds of theories, rumors, opinions and emotion that is largely spread on the internet. The internet is, of course, another modern wonder that didn't exist during those years. It is a great thing. The downside to the internet is that it can spread rumors and lies that are accepted as fact simply because it was found on the internet. No fact-checking watchdog exists for internet posts (nor should it), but that is sometimes forgotten in our desire to justify our opinions. For example, Louis Farrakhan believes that "bio-weapons such as Ebola and AIDS...are race targeting weapons" created by our government to thin the black population. It is on the internet so it must be true. Right? Many think that vaccinations are some great government conspiracy that includes the entirety of government and the medical profession for some nebulous nefarious purpose to harm American people and the world at large. The history of the creation of vaccinations simply does not jive with that theory.

Edward Jenner, English physician and scientist is the man who is credited with the discovery of vaccination when he made the connection between cowpox and smallpox. His medical breakthrough changed the face of medicine forever. A Christian man, he felt he had been an instrument in God's hands. "I am not surprised that men are not grateful to me; but I wonder that they are not grateful to God for the good which he has made me the instrument of conveying to my fellow creatures." Vaccines were not created by governments, they were developed by inspired men and women of science who were driven to provide a solution for which the world was clamoring. Too many parents were burying too many children or watching the crippling aftermath from diseases that people of my generation know little or nothing about. As I wrote last week, "What we obtain to cheap, we esteem too lightly."

A rising anti-vaccination movement in this country has been sparked by various schools of thought: the homeopaths, anti-government paranoia, natural/whole foods acolytes, and the-afraid-of-the-rise-of allergies, ADD and autism group. One "study" in particular is that which connected vaccines to autism. It has since been totally debunked and exposed as fraudulent. But many have hung on to that idea in spite of the facts. "Rob Ring, chief science officer of Autism Speaks, realeased a statement today (2/5/15) stressing that vaccines do not cause autism, and parents should vaccinate. 'Over the last two decades, extensive research has asked whether there is any link between childhood vaccinations and autism. The results of this research are clear: Vaccines do not cause autism. We urge that all children be fully vaccinated.'" (

It would be wise for us to take a collective deep breath and step back from the emotion and hysteria about vaccines. The fact is that the vaccines mentioned above have a proven track record of being safe and effective. In fact, so effective, that the CDC declared in 2000 that measles had been eradicated in the United States. We as a nation have enjoyed a relatively disease-free society as those who chose not to immunize have been protected by the "herd immunity" provided by those who have immunized. However, as we now live in a nation where laws are only a matter of political expediency and preference, our country has been inundated under a flow of illegal immigrants. Plenty of problems have come about as a result of our government's failure to enforce our immigration laws, but one of the lesser-known is the introduction of disease by those who have not been immunized. When you immigrate legally to this country you are required to show proof of immunization or be immunized before you enter. Our government has invited this problem. Facts can be tricky things sometimes, but the simple fact about immunization is this: if you are not immunized you are at risk and put others at risk.

This administration will lose no opportunity to force people to act against their will (if they are citizens) and use this "health crisis" to take away our ability to choose whether we vaccinate or not. That is wrong. However, if we make the choice not to vaccinate, we must be prepard to suffer the full consequences of that decision. What if employers start refusing to employ those who have no proof of vaccination? Are they within their rights as employers to protect their employees and customers? What of those who are immuno-compromised through cancer treatment? Are you prepared to watch your child cough until they are blue as they desperately struggle for air? Are you prepared for your grandchildren to be orphans when their parent dies from the heart damage that occured during a bout with childhood measles? I choose not get the HPV vaccine for moral reasons, nor have my kids or I ever had the flu vaccine. However, my husband's employer requires it and he gets one every year. Not all vaccines are created equal and that is a personal choice. But, if I had a child with asthma, we would get the flu vaccine every year. One thing I can assure with certainty is that there is no gigantic conspiracy amongst doctors and the government. Physicians have studied the science and they know the overwhelming evidence supports vaccinations. If you trust them about other personal medical issues, why the mistrust when it come to vaccines? Doctors and medicine are not perfect; there is inherent risk in every medical procedure, medication and vaccination. However, physicians do not take those risks lightly and never suggest those treatments where the risks far outweigh the rewards. Perhaps we should set aside the rhetoric and emotion, and be wise. When you have made your best decision, then be prepared to own the consequences whatever they may be.


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