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The Big Lie

Lying has been a flaw of human nature from the beginning. Two of the most nefarious forms of lying are the lies we tell ourselves and the lies told to intentionally deceive others. Addicts in any form are particularly adept at lying to themselves about their situations. We have all seen it. Liberals are particularly adept at re-labeling, re-packaging and deflecting the truth to intentionally deceive others and themselves. This column will no doubt infuriate liberals. That is not my purpose. I hope they will have the courage and intellectual honesty to read to the end.

Fact: Margaret Sanger, heroine of Hillary Clinton, was a social activist who started the American Birth Control League which evolved into Planned Parenthood to abort "undesirables" (blacks, the handicapped, children of mixed marriage and the poor). The policy that was adopted by our government in the early 1900's was "settled science", agreed to by the Supreme Court which allowed both forced abortions and forced sterilization of a certain cross-section of our society. Look up the  1927 Supreme Court case of Carrie Buck if you don't believe me.

Fact: Planned Parenthood is a private organization that receives taxpayer funding to perform abortions. I wonder if the Leftists among us would find it acceptable to provide taxpayer funding to Catholic Charities, for example, to complete adoptions.

Fact: About 57.5 million children have been aborted in the United States since Roe v. Wade. ( Approximately 13 million of those babies were black. (

Fact: There is no such thing as a "medically necessary" late-term abortion. (Another example of Liberal re-packaging. What it really is: babies are killed that are viable outside the mother in the third trimester.) Our medical advances have gotten us to the place that babies can survive as young as 21 weeks, 5 days. If that child can live outside the womb, there is no need to kill it to "save the life of the mother". Induce labor, provide a C-section if necessary, but there is NO medical reason to kill the baby.

Fact: You have shoved sex education down the throats of America for a generation now and expect us to believe that in 2015 women still don't know how and when babies are made. And yet, abortion is still touted as the best "family planning" solution. Perhaps we should abandon all the sex-ed programs and their funding due to their lack of "desired" results. Or is there another purpose for those programs?

Fact: We have the glorious and amazing Obamacare--it pays for everything! It's great for America! Everyone gets healthcare now! What then does Planned Parenthood provide that Obamacare does not? If everyone has Obamacare, paid for by our taxes, why does Planned Parenthood need additional taxpayer funding? Planned Parenthood has repeatedly claimed to provide valuable women's health services. They do not provide mammograms or women's health exams, what they define as "women's health services" is providing birth control, treating STD's and being the nations largest abortion provider.

Fact: The recent undercover videos of Planned Parenthood personnel, discussing the sale of baby parts (a federal offense), joking about the abortion process, discussing the profitablity of the abortion business have been edited...for time. I dare any of you pro-choice initiates to watch the videos. They are available, full-length and unedited at

Fact: The effort to de-fund Planned Parenthood does not strive to shut it down. Nor does it strive to make abortion illegal. It is simply an effort to reallocate those dollars to other, legitimate sources who provide women's healthcare.

Fact: You are pro-choice when it serves your purposes. A favorite line is "Stay out of my uterus!" Someone has wisely countered, "Stay out of my wallet." You demand the right to choose but do not offer me the same right. If you choose to participate in the abortion rituals of the Liberal philosophy, then pay for it yourselves. If you are so in love with Planned Parenthood, then pony up. Donate your precious dollars to preserve your beloved sacrificial altars. I, and many, many others do not want it done in my name. Furthermore, the "choice" about a baby is made when you participate in the activity that makes a baby. Laziness and selfishness are not reasonable justifications to kill another soul. Mistakes and misjudgments happen and sometimes the result is a baby. Millions of women in this world are barren and want nothing more than to be a mother. Give them the chance to become a mother. Adoption is a beautiful and wonderful alternative that does not come with the emotional baggage of an abortion.

Fact: Most women who receive an abortion are never, ever the same. Women with a heart and a soul never get over the guilt and shame of knowing what they have done. The high priestesses of abortion conveniently and deliberately do everything in their power to quash, quiet and obfuscate any evidence of the emotional damage that abortions do to the women who get them. This doesn't even begin to address the potentially life-threatening and long-term medical side-effects of abortions--even "safe" ones.

Fact: Abortions kill babies. Let's have the intellectual honesty to call it by it's name. It's not a blob of cells and we all know it. That argument carries less weight in the light of today's scientific evidence than it ever has. You are fooling no-one but yourselves. I wonder at the ability of many who worship the holy sacrament of abortion to summon unbridled outrage at the loss of any other child of nature but not of our own species. Would abortion be different to you if we were killing baby pandas, polar bears or elephants?

Fact: Repeating a lie over and over to yourself does not make it true. You may succeed in convincing yourself of its truth, but what has been lost in the exchange? Grouping together to tell each other lies, does not make them any more true either; the temporary salve that comes from group-think does not bring enduring peace. Have you ever wondered at the amount of venom, bile and anger that exists in Pro-Choice circles?

Fact: Mistakes happen, tough decisions have to be made, but the easy way is rarely the right way. Wrongs can be righted, lessons can be learned and peace can be found. There is never peace in wrong solutions.

Much to my chagrin, abortion is the law of the land. The truth is, it sickens me. You liberals who profess to care about the little guy, support "choice", hug trees and express outrage over Cecil the Lion, look away at the genocide we are committing in our own society. The Nazis started the purification of the Aryan race by institutionalizing, then killing the "undesirables"--the "stupid", the handicapped, the deformed. Once that became socially acceptable they continued in a calculated manner to rid themselves of homosexuals, gypsies, blacks, those in mixed marriages and finally attempted to kill an entire race. We look on Nazi Germany, Adolf Hilter and the policies of the Reich with rightful disdain and horror. How do we fail to see we are on the same road with abortion? When trees and killers on death row are more valuable to Liberal society than our children, what have we become? I am willing to allow for legal abortions in extreme circumstances, but it has become a form of birth control driven by laziness and supreme selfishness. The moral decay of American society is epic. The cultural rot left in the wake of the 60's and beyond is the perpetual story of cultural decline. We willingly lost 407,000 of "our boys" in World War II to protect the little guys. Now we fail to protect the littlest and most defenseless in our own country. Look at what we are doing. Look at what it is doing to the collective soul of our nation. Look at the truth. Many issues transcend the realm of politics, this should be one of them. The irrational adherence to Liberal political dogma to the exclusion of all facts is a condemnation to our entire nation. We all have blood on our hands. The Big Lie must be addressed. We must see the truth. We must tell the truth. We must stop the barbaric slaughter of our nation's children.


  1. Wow, Lori! I don't ever comment, but this hit me really hard. My best friend growing up had an abortion while we were in high school and ever since, she has been suffering in more ways than one. The father of the baby paid for the abortion and a few years later, ending up killing himself. She has had many boyfriends over the years, but is still not married. I can tell that the heartbreak over what she did almost 25 years ago is still eating at her; I can tell she STILL feels guilt and shame over the choice she made back then. It breaks my heart that she has lost quite a bit of her life over the one choice she made back then. It has certainly steered her life on a totally different path then one that I think she could have been leading right now. I agree with every single thing you have said on this and it makes me angry that there are so many people completely outraged over the dentist in Minnesota (he actually lives in the same city as my sister, so she's seen so much where she lives), sending death threats, etc., but are still pro-choice when it comes to abortion. I just don't understand how a lion can be considered more precious than a HUMAN BEING???? Anyway, just had to say something here and thanks for always being willing to "tell it like it is!" I applaud you for that, all the time!

  2. Thank you so much Kendra for your kind words. I always appreciate feedback. Thanks for reading.

  3. I am so sorry for your friend, by the way. I should have mentioned that first. She is one of many walking wounded that are the secondary victims of abortion. It is so sad and so unnecessary. I hope she can find healing.

  4. Having lived in a communist country where birth control and abortion were synonyms, I also will echo what Kendra shared. The state told them abortion was ok. Their parents told them abortion was ok. There was no religious body telling them otherwise. Everyone, and I mean everyone did it. And yet, I cannot count the women I witnessed shed bitter tears over abortions that were decades old. Abortion's greatest victim is the soul and heart of women.


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