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Knee-Jerk Governance

My utter frustration while observing the typical knee-jerk, emotional, short-attention-span response to current affairs in America is about maxed out. Like so many Pavlovian dogs, the general public responds exactly as the mainstream media and political puppet-masters desire when they "ring the bell". This time, the bell is labeled "Evil SOB Trump Separates Families!" Without ever verifying any facts or taking a breath to find out what is actually going on, Americans respond like trained seals begging for a slimy sardine.

Never mind that the separation of families has been going on for years, even (Gasp!) during the Obama administration--all of it, in fact. Ignore the fact that thousands upon thousands of children were "incarcerated" during Obama's tenure. Completely absolve the parents of these children of any responsibility whatsoever for their plight. Turn a blind eye to the fact that gang members kidnap children and bring them across the border, posing as their parents in order to sneak in to our country. Blithely dismiss the facts that the children are only separated from parents when they are felonious border crossers (which means it is not their first offense, therefore they KNOW it is illegal) or seek political asylum. Many asylum seekers knowingly manipulate the immigration system by falsely claiming that need, knowing they would otherwise be turned back at the border. And do let us completely forget about the wonderful parents who send their children here ALONE or with coyotes. What could possibly go wrong?! And be sure to be sucked in by the intentionally inflammatory rhetoric being peddled by the media as they whip us into a temporary frenzy to serve their own vile political purposes. Over the last several days I have heard such words bantered about that would make anyones's hair stand on end: interment camps, incarcerated, Nazi-like, caged, etc. Language intended to create a completely false mental picture of poor waifs were being tortured, starved and discarded. Then, when we have reached fever pitch, the media screeches about the Trump Immigration Policy, which is in fact, not a Trump policy, it is simply the enforcement of the immigration laws already on the books. Of course, we must also never consider that the purpose of the US Government is to provide goods and services for US citizens, that they are not set up to be an illegal immigrant daycare, temporarily or permanently. The DHS and HHS lack both the funding, facilities and the resources to solve a problem created by those breaking our laws.

And so now, at an oddly convenient time to distract the country from the filthy corruption within the highest echelons of our government as detailed in the release of the Inspector General's report on Comey and the FBI, et al, the media trumpets a story which they sat on and deliberately withheld while Obama was in charge. Now, we must focus like a laser on this problem and fix it TODAY, because the talking heads care so very much. They didn't give a rip about those tens of thousands of children separated from their parents then. They don't give a rip above the hundreds of thousands of children who are separated from their parents every year in this country when their parents go to jail, for committing criminal offenses. These same frauds encourage the separation of children from their parents through abortion. They push for an ever-increasing welfare state that dismisses, nay negates, the need for fathers in the home. Every action they take politically is purposefully calculated to undermine and destroy the family, to minimize and undercut parental authority and influence. And now they cry big crocodile tears over the children? Because they care so much? Bull!

Once again, we are being played, willingly by appearances. Cries of "Something must be done!" ring out across the land. To paraphrase one of my favorite shows, Madame Secretary, the Secretary of State said in one episode, "I hate the phrase 'Something must be done' because it usually means nobody knows what to do." I hate to break it to you folks, but doing "something" is not, never has been, and never will be a substitute for solving a problem. An executive order from any President in regards to this problem is executive overreach and temporary. Also, a little Civics 101 refresher for ya, Presidents do not legislate. No really. That what the Legislature is supposedly for. And so, for all the ignoramuses ready to lynch Trump, maybe their anger would be better directed at those worthless pieces of trash who pose as our "representatives", who against the clear will of the American public for immigration law reform, have abdicated their responsibility and flatly refused to deal with this issue on a serious basis. Why? Because it doesn't serve their political and personal purposes. Democrat politicians see these immigrants as potential votes to be bought with their welfare bribes while their Republican counterparts see them as cheap labor for their big donors. Either way, the exploited illegal immigrants are pawns in a shadowy, nearly invisible political game played by the powerful, resulting in a form of disgusting near-slavery for those seeking a better life. You want to fix this problem? Then call your legislators and tell them to get off their ample derrières and change our laws. And get off of Trump's back for enforcing the laws put in place by the legislature. The job of the Executive Branch is to see that our laws are carried out and enforced. And maybe, just maybe we could consider the fact that choices have consequences--even for illegal immigrants.


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