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Oh Say, Can You See...

It's well past midnight and I should be sleeping, but I can't. I am sick at heart and am not sure what to do about it. My father was a great patriot; he loved this country with a deep and abiding love. My mother is his equal. They both instilled in me a deep love for the United States of American and freedom. Because of their example I have loved this country from my very beginning. That love was strengthened by the time I spent in Europe. I loved my time overseas and had a wonderful experience--but it also served to deepen my appreciation for the rights and liberties I had taken for granted most of my life. I fear that too few of us realize what a precious gift it is to be born an American--a privilege and a blessing, with an attending responsibility and duty.

I have never been able to get through our national anthem without crying. Not once. It causes feelings to well up in me that are hard to express. This year on the Fourth of July it was different. For the first time in my life, I didn't weep for gratitude and pride, I wept out of sorrow. For the first time in my life, I feel real fear for the future of the nation that I love. The partisan bickering--no, warring--that goes on in our nation's capital is sickening beyond words. Doing what is best for our nation is now utterly incomprehensible to politicians in their insatiable lust for power, fame and riches. The public servant, as I understand it, is no more. Our "leaders" have become the very aristocracy that our founding fathers threw off and sacrificed everything to be free of. Free to live their lives and exercise the rights that God had granted them. The Constitution they wrote recognized a higher power. It was so important to them, in fact, that they wrote it down in the Declaration of Independence as a statement of their purpose. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it..."

Think about the power of those words. Our government was set up from the very beginning to guarantee our God-given right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. The government derives their powers from the consent of the governed--not the other way around. How is it that we have gotten to the point that our "leaders" in Washington believe we derive our power to live and pursue happiness from them? Way back in the Old Testament, Isaiah prophesied "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" (Isa. 5:20) We are living in that day.

We live in a day when it's okay to kill an unborn child, but not a tree. It's better to read a terrorist the Miranda rights that belong to US citizens, than to protect those very citizens from his diabolical aims. Instead of our elected representatives listening to their constituents, they say we citizens lack the intelligence to understand what's really going on. We cut funding to the military that is actively fighting a war in Afghanistan and fund research on the sexual habits of co-eds at Syracuse University. We, as a nation, have elected a President who, while asking us to tighten our belts, uses Air Force One as his private jet to galavant about the country lying with every word he utters. He lies about the economy, healthcare, national security, even his deepest-held beliefs, while flying in Kobe beef and Maine lobster on the taxpayers dime, during a recession no less. He belittles and pooh-poohs (or wee-wees) the citizens of this nation who disagree with him while asking for a respectful discourse. The world is upside-down.

I could not stand Bill Clinton. I hated his policies and disagreed with just about everything he did and represented. But Mr. Obama, or shall I call him King Obama, is making Bill Clinton look like a blessed savior. Barack seems to be a likable person and a good father and husband, but his policies and the people he surrounds himself with are terrifying. The bulk of his advisors are avowed socialists and communists who hate America and capitalism. That is a bold charge. It makes me cringe that I have to even say it. But the simple fact is that it is the truth.

This is not Democrat Party politics as usual. For most of my life, Democrats and Republicans have generally wanted to achieve the same goals, but usually differed about the route to get there. I don't know a single Democrat who wants to see this country destroyed. But this new breed of Democrats, the Obamacrats, are an entirely new thing. They have an agenda and will stop at nothing to see it realized. Most of it is happening right under our noses without us even seeing it. They hate capitalism first and foremost as something inherently evil. They hate the "rich" and want to see their wealth taken away forcibly and given to the "working class". They do not trust the individuals of this nation, or any other, to make wise decisions for their own futures. They believe that only they are smart enough to do so. They hate the military and see it as a representation of the "American imperialism" they are so ashamed of. They use race and class and misinformation as weapons to be used at any given moment to achieve their aims. And they will not stop until they have gained absolute control over every aspect of our government and our lives.

As a nation, we are reaping the harvest we have sown with our apathy, ignorance and detachment from what is going on in Washington DC. But I am not prepared to give up the freedoms that God gave me and the Constitutions guarantees. I will not lie down and be overwhelmed by the press of evil that is overtaking our government. I will not sit idly by to see our rights to worship, exercise free speech, and pursue happiness be taken away forever. I will do whatever it takes, within the law, to stop the wave. I don't know what that will entail, but if I must sacrifice everything, to protect the freedoms I hold dear, is that too high a price? I don't believe it is too late for us as a nation. But the time is now. We must not allow the forces of evil to advance any further. It stops here. It stops now. We must do whatever is necessary to take our country back from the aristocrats. The founding fathers faced much steeper odds, in fighting the Revolutionary War, than we now face. We must not be idle, we must not fail. "Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just, And this be our motto: 'in God is our Trust'! And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!" I pray to God that He will give us the wisdom, the stamina and the knowledge to right the ship.


  1. Tell me what to do and I will do it. I have no riches, no power and no prestige. I can't vote for the issues on the table and I'm not sure my representatives are listening when I try to make my voice heard. I feel pretty pathetic in this desperate situation our country is facing. Please tell me what I can do.

  2. I have asked myself that same question multiple times. I owe it to my kids to raise them right now. I want to do more when they're grown. But for now, I will do everything in my power to know who is running for office and exactly where they stand. If I have to read every piece of major legislation from now on, so I KNOW what is in it, I will. Contact your representatives. Talk to your friends, your neighbors, your family members and educate them. Write letters to the AMA and others who have betrayed doctors. There is still much we can do now without neglecting our primary responsibility to our families. Thanks Camie!

  3. Mom groups are beginning to form thanks to Glen Beck. He said today it may be the mothers that save us. Check out his site on this.


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