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Truth vs. Lies

You may or may not have heard through the media that thousands of protesters descended on the Capital today to voice their opposition to the government takeover of health care. I would like to thank them personally for doing so. If it had been possible for me to go, I would have been there. Thank you for representing those of us who wanted to be there.

At the very moment that this rally was taking place, Pres. Obama made a "surprise" appearance at the daily White House press briefing. I don't know who would be surprised with his insatiable lust for face time in front of the camera. But I digress. I am absolutely certain the White House would deny that he even had knowledge of the protest, but his timing conveniently coincided to divert press coverage of the event. He was "grateful" to announce the endorsements of AARP and the AMA of the House health care bill. (If you would like to read his comments: I won't take the time to address all of the lies in this statement, just the most glaring ones.

Lie #1 & 2: "They're endorsing this bill because they know it will strengthen Medicare, not jeopardize it. They know it will protect the benefits our seniors receive, not cut them. So I want everybody to remember that the next time you hear the same tired arguments to the contrary from the insurance companies and their lobbyists." (Barack Obama, Nov. 5, 2009) Obama implies that the AARP represents all seniors. Absolutely not true. Not all seniors are members of the AARP. And of those who are members, not all of them agree with this endorsement. The President also loves to classify all opposition to his health agenda as paid insurance company defenders. I get just as frustrated with health insurance as the next guy, but I'm not getting a paycheck from any insurance company for my opposition. My opposition is free and based on principal.

Lie #3: "The AARP knows this bill will make health care more affordable. They know it will make coverage more secure." (B.O., Nov. 5, 2009) Bull. Read the bill Mr. President. Read about the $500 billion to be cut from Medicare. Read about rationing in every other socialized nation. Read about the lack of doctors we already have, that will get significantly worse. Read about the inability of the government to provide H1N1 vaccine to the country. Read about the lack of confidence that people have in this government's management of the Swine Flu and the vaccine they're pedaling. Passing this garbage bill will neither make health care affordable nor secure. It will in fact, do the opposite.

Lie #4: "So the doctors of America know what needs to be fixed about our health care system. They know that health insurance reform would go a long way toward doing that." (B.O., Nov. 5, 2009) This is actually sortof true. Most doctors would like to see some kind of reform. But the lie here is that THIS is the plan that doctors want. I know a lot of doctors and I don't know a single one that supports this plan.

Lie #5: "They would not be with us if they believed that reform would in any way damage the critical and sacred doctor-patient relationship." (B.O., Nov. 5, 2009) And that, Mr. Pres. is exactly why doctors don't support this bill. It will install the government as the supreme and unalterable last word on health care--who gets paid, what gets covered, etc., etc., etc. We will never again be able to sit down with our doctor and make a decision between us two.

Lie #6: "And now that the doctors and medical professionals of America are standing with us..." (B.O., Nov. 5, 2009) He doesn't come right out and say it, but he implies (and he's done this more than once) that the AMA speaks for all doctors. Just like with the AARP, the AMA does not represent all doctors; their membership only includes about 20% of practicing physicians. Nor can their decision reflect the feelings of all the members of the AMA. It is disingenuous at best and an outright lie at worst to imply national support based on the position of the AMA. It is even more damning for him to extrapolate that to mean that he has the support of all doctors and medical professionals.

While we're on the subject, lets mention a couple more of the President's lies about this plan. He promised no federal funding for abortion, treatment of illegal aliens and that you can keep your doctor if you want. This bill uses federal funds for abortions and every "policy holder" will pay a fee to fund them. Illegal aliens may not be covered in this bill, but Obama's solution to that is to make them all legal. He said, on Sept. 16, 2009, to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus: "Now, as you know, there's been a little controversy about who exactly will be covered under reform. I want to be clear: If someone is here illegally, they won't be covered under this plan. That's a commitment I've made. But I also want to make this clear: Even though I do not believe we can extend coverage to those who are here illegally, I also don't simply believe we can simply ignore the fact that our immigration system is broken...If anything, this debate underscores the necessity of passing comprehensive immigration reform and resolving the issue of 12 million undocumented people living and working in this country once and for all. That's what I've said from the start. That's what I say tonight." This speech was given just 10 days after his address to the joint session of Congress where he promised no health care for illegal aliens. But his stance and plan all along, is to make them legal. So technically, he told the truth, knowing that the next step would be to legalize them and make them part of the plan later. And finally, as I've said before, you can only keep your doctor until you make a change in employment or try to change your plan. Then you automatically are part of the government system and have no more say. It's in the bill.

So Mr. President, you keep on lying through your teeth but we are watching, we are listening and we don't believe you. As one Tea-Partier so aptly put it, "I don't belong to the Party of NO. I belong to the Party of HELL NO!"


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